Startup Stock Photo

A picture says a thousand words, a well edited video tells your complete story. We will collaborate to explore how we can best present your property. If you just need the standard coverage or would like to explore more creative approaches we can collaborate to set your listing apart from the rest. At Sharp Sky Films we strive to make your business successful by giving you the resources to get the job done and satisfy your clients.

Aerial footage of your property


Commercial Real Estate

Commercial Properties

Lets get started with your commercial properties!


Residential Real Estate

Video and Photography for private homes and small businesses

Your Residential Real estate listings can always use something new and fresh, let's get together and make it happen.


Acreage and building lots

Show your potential buyers the full view of your property

Your undeveloped property can sometimes be hard to show visually. Let Sharp Sky Films help you show the real value of your acreage. Often it will be the ability to show the relation of the property to it's surrounding area. It's al about Location, Location, Location!!!   

Where we are located

Based in Greenwich, NY - Serving the Albany, Glens Falls, Saratoga Springs areas and beyond.